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What’s the Best Laser for Skin Resurfacing: Ablative, Non-Ablative, or Both?
Today aesthetic providers can choose from a number of laser platforms to revitalize and resurface their patients’ skin. These platforms include ablative, non-ablative, fractional, and non-fractional technology. With varying results, all of these technologies can improve the appearance of wrinkles,…
The Importance Of Cleansing
By ZO Skin Health – If you’re trying to achieve healthy skin this summer, remember to start with the basics. Skin health restoration requires a systematic approach to bring back skin to its most balanced state and begin correcting issues…
What things should you consider when choosing a nuerotoxin? Is cost the only factor? BOTOX® Cosmetic has attributes that patients say are high on their list to consider when choosing a product for treatment. These attributes include1,*: 1. Is a brand…
Anti-Aging Skincare Routine by Decade
By Alastin Skincare – From your 20s on, as you grow a little older and wiser with each decade, your skincare needs change. Starting the proper treatments early will help ensure you keep more youthful-looking skin well into your senior…