Vascutouch Complete Documents

The vascutouch treatment  is helpful in treating distended/broken capillaries, removing skin tags, removing vascular blemishes such as hemangiomas, and minor growths on the skin.  This treatment should improve or eliminate your condition following the recommended treatment by your practitioner. It is likely that you may need 2 or more treatments, depending on your condition.  For capillaries on the legs, you can have 30-90% improvement depending on your age, physiology, and healing ability. With any treatment, there are some who do not have results at all. We cannot guarantee the success of your treatment.

If you are predisposed to have certain growths and distended/broken capillaries, you most likely will develop more throughout your lifetime. Continued treatments can be done annually for maintenance.

Pre/post care instructions should be followed for you to have the best outcome from the treatment and avoid any undesirable effects.  You should make a consultation appointment for 2 weeks after your treatment so that we can evaluate the healing process.  The post treatment risks of vascutouch treatment are indeed substantially less than sclerotherapy or laser treatments.

Vascutouch should not be performed on persons with diabetes.  Pregnant women with vascular growths should wait until after delivery, for blood vessels are engorged with blood during pregnancy and the treatment will not be optimal.

The risks of the vascutouch treatment are usually cosmetic, usually not permanent, and not detrimental to your health.  Although it is rare, light scarring and hyperpigmentation can occur.

Please follow these instructions carefully.  By following these instructions, you are insuring the best possible results and healing time.           

 24-36 hours before treatment

Do not take Advil, Motrin, or any type of medication containing Ibuprofen, as this will thin the blood and could prevent the treatment from working.  If you are taking blood thinners such as Coumadin, please consult your physician before discontinuing.  Tylenol is alright to take before.

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages, they also thin the blood.
  • Discontinue topical medications containing Retin-A, Glycolic acid, and any exfoliants.

1-2 hours before treatment

  • Do not exercise or exert yourself.
  • Do not take a hot bath or shower.
  • Do not drink coffee or any caffeine.

 For the first 24-36 hours after treatment

No exercise or anything physically exerting (including sexual intercourse).

  • No blood thinning medications (as above).
  • No topical medications (as above).
  • No sauna or steam room, Jacuzzi tubs, hot baths, or showers.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • No rubbing, exfoliation, or rubbing the area.
  • Avoid fragrances and deodorant in treated areas.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.

  • I have had a vascutouch consultation at Skinlogic prior to this treatment. Any questions or concerns have been answered to my satisfaction.
  • The vascutouch pre/post instructions have been explained to me. I have been offered a copy to take home.   
  • I am aware that the allotted time for this procedure is 15 minutes. We will perform as much as possible within the allotted time. Future treatments might be necessary for that area.
  • I am aware of the benefits and risks in regards to possible scarring and hyper-pigmentation. Knowing this, I choose to proceed with the vascutouch treatment.           
  • I am aware that there is a possibility of obtaining little or no results from the vascutouch treatment.                                                                                                       

I give permission for a Skinlogic licensed esthetician to perform the vascutouch treatment on myself today and in the future, if treatments are necessary.     


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May 20, 2020 9:12 pm PDTVascutouch Complete Documents Uploaded by Skinlogic Med Spa - IP